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Art Media Articles

"A New Year for Old Masters? 5 Exhibitions Set to Make a Splash in 2025." Artnet News (Jan 7, 2025) 

"Beyond Needle and Thread: Contemporary Artists Are Fueling a Tapestry Renaissance." Artnet News (Nov 30, 2024)

"How Rembrandt’s Landmark ‘100 Guilder Print’ Outsold Its Namesake Price." Artnet News (Nov 24, 2024)

​"The Surprisingly Artful History Behind the Garden Gnome." Artnet News (Oct 26, 2024) 

"Old Master forgeries’ second lives as teaching tools." The Art Newspaper (Oct 25, 2024)

"‘I’m Truly Inside the Flower’: Why Rising Artist Kate Bickmore Is Reimagining Victorian Floral Painting." Artnet News (Oct 16, 2024)​

"Historical auction results show centuries old demand for women artists." The Art Newspaper 371 (Print Issue, October 2024), p. 42

"'Little Venice’ to the Labyrinth: A Lost History of the Versailles Gardens." Artnet News (Oct 5, 2024)

"The History of the Grand Palais in 7 Groundbreaking Exhibitions. Artnet News (Sep 11, 2024)

Book Chapters


“Fractured Perception: Prints, Drawings, and Verres-cassés.” Art and Artifice in a Global Perspective, edited by Sonia Coman, Michael Yonan, and Ovidiu Prejmerean (London: Routeledge, 2025), pp. 13-31


“Mirror Image: The Spatial Emergence of Drawings in the Revolutionary Louvre,” in Émergence, Du lieu à l’espace des images dans l’art français du XVIIe au XIXe siècle, edited by Markus A. Castor, Julia Kloss-Weber, Valérie Kobi (Peter Lang AG, forthcoming)

Pour la satisfaction de l’œil: The 1797 Exhibition of Drawings in the Louvre. Inside the Exhibition: Temporalità, dispositivo, narrazione, edited by Gloria Antoni, Matteo Chirumbolo, Gianluca Petrone, Célia Zuber (Rome: Artemide Editore, 2022), pp. 43-56

Geography. Dare to Know: Prints and Drawings in the Age of Enlightenment, edited by Edouard Kopp, Elizabeth Rudy and Kristel Smentek (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2022), pp. 78-84

Abraham Bloemaert’s Graphic Legacy in Eighteenth-century France,” in New  Perspectives on Abraham Bloemaert and his Workshop, edited by Léonie Marquaille, Volume II of Gouden eeuw: New Perspectives on Dutch seventeenth-century Art (Turnhout: Brépols, 2022), pp. 233-251

Exhibition Reviews

"Review of Walton Ford: Birds and Beasts of the Studio." Master Drawings (forthcoming)

​​“Ways of Seeing Drawings, 1797 to 2023: Review of the exhibitions of Jack Shear's Drawing Collection, The Drawing Center, NY.” Master Drawings 2 (Summer 2023)​, pp. 266-272

“Jean-Jacques Lequeu: Visionary Architect.” Exhibition Review, Sequitur (May 2020)

 “The Smell of Success: Gerard and Cornelis Van Spaendonck at Het Noordbrabant Museum, A Review.” Journal18 (2019)

Journal Articles

“Vasari as Algorithm: Machine Learning and the Old Masters,” Burlington Contemporary (forthcoming)


“Tokenized and Tactile: Frank Stella’s Geometries (2022).” Arts, special issue, on “NFTs, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse.”

Sculpting Nostalgia: Daniel Arsham, Alicja Kwade, and Kathleen Ryan. Intermédialités, themed issue on “Returning (Nostalgia),” edited by André Habib, Suzanne Paquet, Carl Therrien, no. 39 (Winter 2022)


“Paris 2440 / 3020: Excavating Daniel Arsham's Fictional Archaeology. Thresholds 50 "Before/After" (2022), pp. 143-159

Latitudes of Tenderness: Imagining Nouvelle France in the Ancien Régime.” Journal18 themed issue on Race: Representation in the French Colonial Empire, edited by Susannah Blair and Stephanie O’Rourke (Spring 2022)

 “The Ruins of Iconologie: Redefining Architecture in Jean-Charles Delafosse’s desseins,"  Athanor 32 (Florida State University: Museum of Fine Arts Press, 2014), pp. 53-63


4 entries for Bloomsbury Art Markets Protagonists, Networks, Provenances (2019-2023) 

25 entries for Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, Object of the Day (2014-2017)

7 entries for Harvard Art Museums, Drawing: Invention of a Medium (2016)

13 entries for Bard Graduate Center Gallery, Revisions- Zen for Film (2015)

The Mellon Foundation’s Cultures of Conservation Blog (2014-15): "There Will Never Be Silence at The MoMA," and "Performance / Prop-formance at the Whitney. "

The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Blog, "Galleys in the Gallery" (2014) 


“Gilt Surtout,” in Rococo and Neoclassical Interiors (Davis Museum, exh. cat 2011)


2022       “Mirror Image: The 1797 Drawing Exhibition at the Galerie d’Apollon,” DFK, Paris

2021       “Le cadavre desséché de plantes”: Herbaria and the Formation of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris.” | ASECS, Annual Meeting (postponed from 2020)

2021       “A Sacrifice for Convenience: Acquiring, Selling, and Displaying Drawings in the Post-Revolutionary Louvre.”  | College Art Association (CAA), Annual Meeting

2020       “Pour la satisfaction de l’œil: The 1797 Exhibition of Drawings in the Louvre.” | Inside the exhibition: temporalità, dispositivo e narrazione, VIII Giornata di Studi Dottorali del Rome Art History Network (RAHN)

2020       “Conducting Nature: Exposing Plant Iconography in Late Eighteenth-century Paris.” | European Society For The History of Science, Bologna

2018       “Multiple Exposures: Methodologies of Drawing Scholarship.” | Visual and Material Culture in the Early Modern Period, LUMEN, Aarhus University, Denmark

2018       “L’art surpasse ici la Nature: Gérard van Spaendonck and Botany at the Threshold.” | Canadian Society for Eighteenth-century Studies (CSECS), Annual Meeting, Niagara Falls         

2017       “Arcadia ‘sous la latitude des Iroquois,’: Representing Indigenous Canadians in the Salon.”  | American Society for Eighteenth-century Studies(ASECS), Annual Meeting           

2015       “Skinned Sculptures: Replicating Republican Masculinity in Jean-Galbert Salvage’s Borghese Gladiator.” | Rutgers University, Art History Graduate Student Symposium

2014        “Neither Medium nor Message: Drawing and the Documentation of Performance Art Since the 1960s.” | Association of Art Historians (AAH) Summer Symposium, Bristol, UK

2014      “Mapping Swedish Architectural History at the Arkitektur- och designcentrum.” | Symposium for the graduate seminar, History of Architectural Exhibitions, The Museum of Modern Art, NY

2013      “Architectonic Ruins: The Visual Mobility of Architecture in Jean-Charles Delafosse’s desseins.” | Annual Art History Graduate Symposium, FSU, FL     

2013     “Un-Natural Histories: Walton Ford and the Amnesia of American Natural History.” | Mapping: Geography, Power, and the Imagination in the Art of the Americas, Institute of Fine Arts (NYU), NY


2023      "Drawings for Prints: From the Paris Salons to a Symbiotic Art Market," Organized by the Drawing Foundation for IFPDA Print Month, NY

2022      “Geography, in Dare To Know: Prints and Drawings in the Age of Enlightenment," Organized by Print Council for IFPDA Print Month, NY

2021      “Drawing Site-Specificity : The 1797 Exhibition of Drawings in the Louvre.“

New Directions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Art seminar series, 26 July 2021 

2020     “Jerusalem in the Age of Enlightenment” Guest lecture for ARTH 369: The City of Israel, Concordia University, Montreal, QC

2018    “Pigments of Imagination,” Gallery Talk at Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA

2015    “‘Altho’ from these Ruins, it has Phenix like received a second birth’: Excavating Neoclassicism in Eighteenth-century France.”       Brown bag talk, Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

Updated October 2024

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