Forthcoming (publication date TBD)
“Fractured Perception: Prints, Drawings, and Verres-cassés,” in Art and Artifice in a Global Perspective, eds. Sonia Coman, Michael Yonan, and Ovidiu Prejmerean
“Vasari as Algorithm: Machine Learning and the Old Masters,” Burlington Contemporary
“Mirror Image: The Spatial Emergence of Drawings in the Revolutionary Louvre,” in Émergence, Du lieu à l’espace des images dans l’art français du XVIIe au XIXe siècle, edited by Markus A. Castor, Julia Kloss-Weber, Valérie Kobi.
“Tokenized and Tactile: Frank Stella’s Geometries (2022),” Arts, special issue, on “NFTs, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse.” (Fall 2023)
“Ways of Seeing Drawings, 1797 to 2023: Review of the exhibitions of Jack Shear's Drawing Collection, The Drawing Center, NY,” Master Drawings 2 (Summer 2023).
“Pour la satisfaction de l’œil: The 1797 Exhibition of Drawings in the Louvre,” in Inside the Exhibition: Temporalità, dispositivo, narrazione, edited by Gloria Antoni, Matteo Chirumbolo, Gianluca Petrone, Célia Zuber (Rome: Artemide Editore, 2022)
“Sculpting Nostalgia: Daniel Arsham, Alicja Kwade, and Kathleen Ryan.” Intermédialités, themed issue on “Returning (Nostalgia)” no. 39 (Winter 2022)
“Geography,” in Dare to Know: Prints and Drawings in the Age of Enlightenment (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2022), 72-80
“Abraham Bloemaert’s Graphic Legacy in Eighteenth-century France,” ed. Léonie Marquaille, Abraham Bloemaert, New Perspectives, Volume II of Gouden eeuw: New Perspectives on Dutch seventeenth-century Art (Turnhout: Brépols, 2022), 233-251
“Paris 2440 / 3020: Excavating Daniel Arsham's Fictional Archaeology.” Thresholds 50 "Before/After" (2022), 143-159
“Latitudes of Tenderness: Imagining Nouvelle France in the Ancien Régime.” Journal18 themed issue on Race: Representation in the French Colonial Empire (Spring 2022)
“Jean-Jacques Lequeu: Visionary Architect,” Exhibition Review, Sequitur (May 2020).
“The Smell of Success: Gerard and Cornelis Van Spaendonck at Het Noordbrabant Museum, A Review.” Journal18 (2019)
“The Ruins of Iconologie: Redefining Architecture in Jean-Charles Delafosse’s desseins," Athanor 32 (Florida State University: Museum of Fine Arts Press, 2014): 53-63
“Gilt Surtout,” in Rococo and Neoclassical Interiors (Davis Museum, exh. cat 2011), n.p.
5 entries for Bloomsbury Art Markets Protagonists, Networks, Provenances (2019-2022)
25 entries for Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, Object of the Day (2014-2017)
7 entries for Harvard Art Museums, Drawing: Invention of a Medium (2016)
13 entries for Bard Graduate Center Gallery, Revisions- Zen for Film (2015)
The Mellon Foundation’s Cultures of Conservation Blog (2014-15): "There Will Never Be Silence at The MoMA," and "Performance / Prop-formance at the Whitney. "
The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Blog, "Galleys in the Gallery" (2014)
2022 “Mirror Image: The 1797 Drawing Exhibition at the Galerie d’Apollon,” DFK, Paris
2021 “Le cadavre desséché de plantes”: Herbaria and the Formation of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris.” | ASECS, Annual Meeting (postponed from 2020)
2021 “A Sacrifice for Convenience: Acquiring, Selling, and Displaying Drawings in the Post-Revolutionary Louvre.” | College Art Association (CAA), Annual Meeting
2020 “Pour la satisfaction de l’œil: The 1797 Exhibition of Drawings in the Louvre.” | Inside the exhibition: temporalità, dispositivo e narrazione, VIII Giornata di Studi Dottorali del Rome Art History Network (RAHN)
2020 “Conducting Nature: Exposing Plant Iconography in Late Eighteenth-century Paris.” | European Society For The History of Science, Bologna
2018 “Multiple Exposures: Methodologies of Drawing Scholarship.” | Visual and Material Culture in the Early Modern Period, LUMEN, Aarhus University, Denmark
2018 “L’art surpasse ici la Nature: Gérard van Spaendonck and Botany at the Threshold.” | Canadian Society for Eighteenth-century Studies (CSECS), Annual Meeting, Niagara Falls
2017 “Arcadia ‘sous la latitude des Iroquois,’: Representing Indigenous Canadians in the Salon.” | American Society for Eighteenth-century Studies(ASECS), Annual Meeting
2015 “Skinned Sculptures: Replicating Republican Masculinity in Jean-Galbert Salvage’s Borghese Gladiator.” | Rutgers University, Art History Graduate Student Symposium
2014 “Neither Medium nor Message: Drawing and the Documentation of Performance Art Since the 1960s.” | Association of Art Historians (AAH) Summer Symposium, Bristol, UK
2014 “Mapping Swedish Architectural History at the Arkitektur- och designcentrum.” | Symposium for the graduate seminar, History of Architectural Exhibitions, The Museum of Modern Art, NY
2013 “Architectonic Ruins: The Visual Mobility of Architecture in Jean-Charles Delafosse’s desseins.” | Annual Art History Graduate Symposium, FSU, FL
2013 “Un-Natural Histories: Walton Ford and the Amnesia of American Natural History.” | Mapping: Geography, Power, and the Imagination in the Art of the Americas, Institute of Fine Arts (NYU), NY
2023 "Drawings for Prints: From the Paris Salons to a Symbiotic Art Market," Organized by the Drawing Foundation for IFPDA Print Month, NY
2022 “Geography, in Dare To Know: Prints and Drawings in the Age of Enlightenment," Organized by Print Council for IFPDA Print Month, NY
2021 “Drawing Site-Specificity : The 1797 Exhibition of Drawings in the Louvre.“
New Directions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Art seminar series, 26 July 2021
2020 “Jerusalem in the Age of Enlightenment” Guest lecture for ARTH 369: The City of Israel, Concordia University, Montreal, QC
2018 “Pigments of Imagination,” Gallery Talk at Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA
2015 “‘Altho’ from these Ruins, it has Phenix like received a second birth’: Excavating Neoclassicism in Eighteenth-century France.” Brown bag talk, Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Updated Dec 2, 2023